Saturday, 3 October 2015

Third Year Blogs

Now that I'm back at university I have set up new blogs for each of the modules I am taking and will be putting all my work onto those.
Here are the links:
This module I will doing all of the preparation for when I begin filming in January.

In this module I will be extending the Stop Motion Module from last year.
This is so I can create the replacement heads for my character.

In this module I will be researching in to how to get myself into my chosen career.

Negotiated Production -
This is the module where I will be finishing the pre-production and will be animating the scenes.

All blogs, show reels and information can be found on my website:

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Working Schedule

2015/2016 Timetable
Subject to change once I've had my official timetable from Worcester University.

At university.
Not at university/work from home.

10/08      Type script.
17/08      Character designs.
24/08      Storyboard.
31/08      Animatic.

07/09      Set design.
14/09      Mock up set.
21/09      Create presentation.
               Finish mock up set.
28/09      First week of university.
   Polish pre-production work.
               Make materials list for sets and models.

05/10      Making models including replacement heads.
   Replacement heads to continue throughout semester one.
12/10      Making models.
19/10      Finishing models and starting pirate ship set.
26/10      Building Pirate ship set.
   Cast voice actors.

02/11      Set building.
09/11      Finishing set building.
               Voice recording?
16/11      Worcester week.
   Building props.
23/11      Test model movement.
               Voice recording?
30/11      Test models with replacement heads.
               Voice recording?

07/12      Make any improvements to models and set.     
14/12      Christmas break.
   Edit and layout voice recordings.
21/12      Christmas break.
   Practice animating with replacement heads.
28/12      Christmas break.
   Practice animating with replacement heads.

04/01      Back to university.
   Filming on pirate ship.
   Island set building.
11/01      Filming on pirate ship.
   Island set building.
18/01      Assessment week.
   Finish island set.
25/01      Worcester week.
   Finishing any props and improving pirate ship set.

01/02      Semester two.
   Filming on pirate ship.
08/02      Filming on pirate ship.
15/02      Filming on pirate ship.
22/02      Filming on island.
19/02      Filming on island.

07/03      Filming on island.
14/03      Filming on island.
21/03      Easter.
   Post-production of pirate ship animation.
28/03      Easter.
   Post-production of pirate ship animation.

04/04      Back to university.
   Additional filming on pirate ship set (if needed).
   Filming on island.
11/04      Post-production of island animation.
18/04      Post-production of island animation.
25/04      Post-production of pirate ship animation(if needed).
               Additional filming on island set (if needed).

02/05      Post-production of animation.
09/05     Assessment week.

Monday, 24 August 2015


So I know how long each frame is going to be, I have recorded myself reading out the narration and speaking roles and put it over the top of the individual frames. This way I will know how long each frame will be on screen and will also be able to plan out my character movements in the future.

  1. Based on the book Here Be Monsters text © Jonathan Emmett 2013 and illustration © Poly Bernatene 2013, first published by Macmillan Children’s Books. 

Friday, 21 August 2015

Here Be Monsters Presentation (prep)

Prezi Presentation

When I go back to university I will have to pitch my idea to the rest of the group and discuss why I want to make the animation and how I am going to make it.
I have started to make the presentation using Prezi.
I will keep updating as I continue to experiment more with the character designs, storyboards and the models.

  1. Based on the book Here Be Monsters text © Jonathan Emmett 2013 and illustration © Poly Bernatene 2013, first published by Macmillan Children’s Books. 

Sunday, 16 August 2015


These are my first storyboards, basing each frame from the images in the book and the script I am working from.
These storyboards will be scanned in once I have access to a A3 scanner.

  1. Based on the book Here Be Monsters text © Jonathan Emmett 2013 and illustration © Poly Bernatene 2013, first published by Macmillan Children’s Books. 

Monday, 10 August 2015

Pirate Ship Ideas

Reference Images



Ship From The Book

Research Into Building My Set

Stop Motion Set Design

A YouTuber called AnimateClay has uploaded a video of to make a set, I have found it helpful in how I am going to go about making my set.



Winslow, C. The Handbook of Model-Making For Set Designers, (2008) The Crowood Press Ltd.

Shaw, S. Stop Motion: Craft Skills For Model Animation (2008) Focal Press.

Buiding the set for ParaNorman - Laika

Other films with a pirate set

Pirates In An Adventure With Scientists

Behind the scenes of Pirates.

Cod Steaks are the company that build sets for Aardman's films, including a lot of the props.
This is a video of the different artists that work there and have created the set of Pirates In An Adventure With Scientists.

Cod Steaks' website showing the pirate ship they made for the film.

Cod Steaks' website for the sets of the film.